terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2010

Só não vê quem não quer, pá!

     This post is intended as a satire of the neonazi movement. The following image is not meant as an attack on the Jewish people. On the contrary, it aims at mocking the ridiculous way of "thinking" of those who blame the Jews and the western democratic systems for everything that's wrong with their sorry ass pathetic lives. The 'Sieg Heil!' at the end of the text is not an endorsement of neonazism. It was only included to reinforce the caricature, a bit like the "Heil Hitler!" that was regularly yelled by the characters in the BBC sitcom 'Allo, 'Allo.

Translation: "Multiculturalism, immigration, the economic crisis, 9/11, illiteracy, venereal diseases, my horrible wallpaper, etc etc it's all the Jews' fault! And the vehicle that the Jews use to achieve their domination is, obviously, democracy! This is the reason why we must start a REVOLUTION to finish the democrats off and, concomitantly, the Jews! Sieg Heil!"

segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010

Ode erótica ao meu amado Führer

Quando penso no meu Adolfinho,
fico com ele todo tesinho!
Ai, mas que homem tão bonito,
até me faz saltar o pito!
Ou não fosse eu um galináceo
com a viveza de um crustáceo!

Logo à noite vou masturbar-me
a pensar no meu Adolfinho...
Com o seu bigode deleitar-me
e o meu dedo no cuzinho!
Heil, heil, meu cagueiro putrefacto!
Que o meu cocó fique compacto!

              -Bruno da Bigodaça Bodegona (BBB) in Poesia Nazionalizta, Vol. I,
Edições O Figo Tinha Vergonha de Ser Mouro, 2008.

sábado, 20 de novembro de 2010

Primeira posta do blogue

(please find an English version further down)

Esta é a minha primeira posta neste blogue.

Eu criei este blogue para denunciar a estupidez criminosa dos nazis anti-semitas.

Se você for um revisor da Google, por favor, tenha em consideração que este blogue tem sido falsamente denunciado por nazis anti-semitas e agentes pró-Russos.

Estes são os seus blogues:

1. Agentes nazis anti-semitas


2. Agentes pró-russos anti-semitas:



This is my first post on this blog.

This blog was created with the purpose of denouncing the criminal stupidity of anti-Semites.

If you are a Google revisor, please bear in mind that this blog has been falsely denounced by nazis and pro-Russian agents.

These are their blogs:

1. Nazi anti-semites


2. Anti-semite pro-russian agents:
